Allergy And Sensitivity Allergy To Egg

Based on your genetics, your genetic predisposition for Allergy To Egg is


What does this mean?

 Your genotype shows that you have higher risk for allergy to eggs.

How Is Your Genetic Risk Calculated?

This result is based on the SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphism)that are associated with Allergy To Egg.

These are the genes tested for Allergy To Egg:



This report does not diagnose any health conditions or provide medical advice. This should not be used as a diagnostic tool.
This result is limited to existing scientific research.
Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any major lifestyle changes or if you have any other concerns about your results.

What is Allergy To Egg?

Allergy to egg is the condition whereby an individual’s immune system mistakenly identifies the proteins found in egg white or egg yolks as harmful components upon consumption. The body’s immune system cells (antibodies) act as a defense mechanism, recognising the proteins as a foreign invader and signals the immune system to release histamines and other chemicals, which results in the development of allergy symptoms.

How It Affects Your Body

Egg allergy triggers the body to produce hives and swelling, especially at the face and mouth area. It can also cause stomach discomfort, diarrhea and vomiting.

Anaphylactic shock, which is a life-threatening allergic reaction, also occurs in severe cases, where the individual may experience difficulty in breathing and loss of consciousness.

Signs and Symptoms (Moderate)

Signs and Symptoms (Severe)

Atopic Dematitis

Children with this type of skin condition are more likely to develop food allergy as compared to children who don't have skin problems.

Family History

You have a higher risk in food allergy if one or both of your parents have asthma, food allergy or any other type of allergy.


Egg allergy is most prevalent among infants and children. With age, the digestive system matures and allergic food reactions are less likely to occur. In fact, many outgrow it when they reach adolescence.

Suggested Lifestyle Changes

Dietary Recommendations:

    Lifestyle Recommendations:

    1. Get yourself familiarised with signs and symptoms of an egg allergy. Seek immediate medical attention if necessary.
    2. If you have any known past allergic events, be sure to read labels for egg and egg-related products to avoid possible egg allergy.
    3. Notify restaurants about your allergy and educate them about the consequences of egg allergy to avoid accidental exposure of egg or the use of egg-related ingredients in preparing your meal.

    Result Explanation Recommendations:

      Schedule a consultation session with us
      Get Complementary Consultation.
      If you think you have the symptoms, consult with a healthcare professional.