Weight Management Fat Storage

Based on your genetics, your genetic predisposition for Fat Storage is


What does this mean?

 Your genotype indicates an increased weight loss resistance and a greater decrease in lipid oxidation rate. In other words, your body tends to store fat.

How Is Your Genetic Risk Calculated?

This result is based on the SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphism)that are associated with Fat Storage.

Your Genotype
What it means?
Genes: PLIN
Your Genotype: AA
What it means? Increased weight loss resistance and greater decrease in lipid oxidation rate (tendency to store fat)


This report does not diagnose any health conditions or provide medical advice. This should not be used as a diagnostic tool.
This result is limited to existing scientific research.
Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any major lifestyle changes or if you have any other concerns about your results.

What is Fat Storage?

Fat storage refers to the accumulation of excess fats in the body’s fat cells until it is needed for energy. When the body requires energy, it will burn the stored fats in a chemical process known as metabolism. Apart from providing energy, fats are important in regulating body temperature as they act as a heat insulator. Fats also aid in reduction of inflammation, vitamin absorption, and brain development. However, if fats are not utilised, they are continually stored until they are needed to meet the body’s needs. The body will expand the number of fat cells and the size of fat cells to accommodate excess energy from high-calorie foods. It will even go so far as to start depositing fat cells on our muscles, liver, and other organs to create space to store the extra energy from calorie-rich diets, especially when combined with an inactive lifestyle. Fat cells can increase and decrease in size depending on the amount of fat that the body stores. Too much stored fats, particularly visceral fats, can have negative effects on your body. Therefore, consuming fats in the right amounts is essential for a healthy life.

How It Affects Your Body

If the body stores more fat than it uses, the fat cells will expand, resulting in weight gain.

It may also pose several health risks. For example, too much fats stored may cause heart diseases like atherosclerosis, which is characterised by the fat deposits in blood arteries. This reduces blood flow, which leads to a high chance of having a stroke or heart attack.

Additionally, fat storage is also often associated with type II diabetes and obesity. These diseases can be developed because certain types of fats increase insulin resistance. Insulin is used to remove sugars from the blood. However, insulin resistance causes high blood sugar levels, which is observed in type II diabetes.

In contrast, if the body is forced to rely on stored fats for energy, regardless of diet or exercise, the fat cells will shrink. This promotes weight loss. The body's metabolism is also another factor to weight loss, as individuals with high metabolism will burn fats quickly, therefore storing lesser fats in the body.

Signs and Symptoms - Moderate

Signs and Symptoms - Severe

Suggested Lifestyle Changes

Dietary Recommendations:

    Lifestyle Recommendations:

    1. Get enough sleep. It is advisable to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Good quality of sleep helps to boost metabolism and prevent weight gain. In contrast, lack of sleep triggers hunger hormones and increases your appetite.
    2. Reduce consumption of alcohol as it significantly causes excess fat storage around the waist.
    3. Reduce stress levels by taking occasional breaks to de-stress. Stress triggers the body to produce cortisol (stress hormone), which leads to increased appetite and fat storage.

    Exercise Recommendations:

    1. Include physical exercises in your daily routine (e.g. jogging, running, cycling) to burn fats. This also helps to prevent excess fat storage, especially around the waist, thighs, and abdomen.
    2. Persistent exercising has also shown results on controlling weight, lowering risk of heart diseases, as well as promoting emotional stability and productivity.
    3. Join a sports club or sign up for a gym membership to keep yourself committed to exercising regularly.

    Result Explanation Recommendations:

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      If you think you have the symptoms, consult with a healthcare professional.