Weight Management Satiety Regulation

Based on your genetics, your genetic predisposition for Satiety Regulation is


What does this mean?

 Your genotype indicates that you have typical satiety regulation.

How Is Your Genetic Risk Calculated?

This result is based on the SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphism)that are associated with Satiety Regulation.

Your Genotype
What it means?
Genes: LEPR_exon6
Your Genotype: -
What it means? --


This report does not diagnose any health conditions or provide medical advice. This should not be used as a diagnostic tool.
This result is limited to existing scientific research.
Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any major lifestyle changes or if you have any other concerns about your results.

What is Satiety Regulation?

Satiety is defined as the feeling of fullness that persists after eating, potentially suppressing further meal intake until hunger returns. Satiety helps in controlling the interval between meals, but there is no exact measurement on satiety. Satiety can be learned over time as one formed association between food's sensory properties and the satiation the food gives. Studies have shown that low energy density foods can effectively increase satiety and reduce feeling of hunger, thus reducing energy intake which helps in promoting weight reduction. Examples of low energy density foods include non-starchy vegetables, like broccoli, spinach, lettuce, fruits and whole grains.

How It Affects Your Body

Satiety is regulated by a cascade of factors that begin when a food or drink is consumed, and continues as it enters the digestive tract to be broken down and absorbed.

Nutrients absorbed by the intestine trigger the release of hormonal signals to the brain. The brain interprets the signals and promotes the feeling of fullness. Satiety impairment may cause overeating due to increased appetite, resulting in weight gain and other related health problems.

Behavioural factors such as inability to resist rich-tasting food may affect satiety. Apart from diet, appetite and satiety are influenced by sleep. Lack of sleep may cause imbalance of leptin and ghrelin hormones produced in the body. When the body detects lack of sleep, leptin levels in the blood decline. At the same time, the blood levels of ghrelin increase, which stimulates one's appetite and suppresses satiety.

Suggested Lifestyle Changes

Dietary Recommendations:

  1. Functional foods of higher satiety can help to delay the return of hunger or desire to eat, thereby reducing total energy intake and promoting weight loss. Examples of functional foods are dairy products (e.g. milk, cheese and yoghurt), eggs, legumes, grains and foods rich in dietary fibres.
  2. Breakfast meals containing eggs increase satiety, thus possibly helping to reduce food intake at lunch and dinner as well.
  3. Studies have also shown that oatmeal prepared with hot water increases satiety and gives a higher viscosity as compared to ready-to-eat or oat-based cereal served with cold milk.

Result Explanation Recommendations:

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