Nutrigenomics Iron Requirement

Based on your genetics, your genetic predisposition for Iron Requirement is


What does this mean?

Likely to have low iron & haemoglobin levels Your genotypes are associated with low iron and haemoglobin levels and an increased risk for iron deficiency. Review your iron intake to ensure your iron consumption is sufficient.

How Is Your Genetic Risk Calculated?

This result is based on the SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphism)that are associated with Iron Requirement.

Your Genotype
What it means?
Genes: TMPRSS6_exon13
Your Genotype: GG
What it means? Lower iron and haemoglobin levels
Genes: TMPRSS6_exon17
Your Genotype: TT
What it means? Lower serum iron and haemoglobin levels


This report does not diagnose any health conditions or provide medical advice. This should not be used as a diagnostic tool.
This result is limited to existing scientific research.
Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any major lifestyle changes or if you have any other concerns about your results.

What is Iron Requirement?

Iron is an essential mineral, and a key component of hundreds of proteins, including oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in red blood cells, and myoglobin (found in muscle cells). Absorption, transport and storage of iron are tightly regulated as it is both essential, and potentially toxic.

Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world, leading to symptoms such as anemia, fatigue and palpitations. If you suffer from chronic infections, and often feel sluggish, weak, and unable to focus, insufficient iron levels may be a factor. Individuals following a vegetarian or vegan diet, and atheletes typically have higher iron requirements.

Genetic variations in the transferrin, transferrin receptor, transmembrane protease (TMPRSS6) genes are associated with lower iron status.

RDA is 8mg for men. Women have a higher requirement, at 18mg for 19- 50 years old, and 8mg for women 51 years and over.

How It Affects Your Body

Iron is needed to make haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that enables them to carry oxygen around the body. If the body lacks iron, your body will not have enough haemoglobin, which leads to your tissues and muscles not getting enough oxygen to work effectively. Besides, iron deficiency is linked to reduced capacity for physical activity, reduced productivity and increased fatigue, leading to poorer cognitive work performance. Without early treatment, iron deficiency may progress to iron deficiency anaemia as well. Iron deficiency has been found that is associated with young children in irreversible developmental delay. In addition, pregnant women with iron deficiency anaemia have shown an association with increased risks of having low birth weight, preterm delivery, perinatal mortality and maternal and infant and young children mortality.



Phytate and other lower inositol phosphates (eg. oats, rice-unpolished rice, breakfast cereals), pasta products, soya beans, nuts and iron-phenolic compounds (eg. tea, coffee, most red wines, cocoa) and calcium content food (eg. cheese, milk) will affect the body___s iron absorption.

Cooking Method

Cooking haem iron food sources (e.g. chicken) at prolonging high temperature can degrade the iron content and convert to non-haem iron which reduces the iron absorption and bioavailability.


Lead-containing water or food will interfere with the body___s ability to make haemoglobin.

Family History and Genetics

Von Willebrand disease (VWD) is an inherited bleeding disorder which affects the ability of blood to clot. Hence, making it harder to stop bleeding and increase the risk of iron- deficiency anaemia from trauma, surgery or heavy menstrual periods.

Frequent Blood Donors

Individuals that go for blood donation frequently may have the risk of iron-deficiency anaemia.

Kidney Failure

People who have kidney failure (especially on dialysis) tend to have difficulties making red blood cells, which increases the risk of developing iron-deficiency anaemia.


Ladies who experience heavy periods during menstruation may have excessive blood loss. This can increase the risks of iron-deficiency anaemia.

Vegetarian or Vegan

Not consuming enough iron-rich foods may result in iron deficiency.

Suggested Lifestyle Changes

Dietary Recommendations:

    Lifestyle Recommendations:

      Result Explanation Recommendations:

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        If you think you have the symptoms, consult with a healthcare professional.