Nutrigenomics Vitamin E Requirement

Based on your genetics, your genetic predisposition for Vitamin E Requirement is


What does this mean?

Likely to have typical risk of vitamin E deficiency Your genotype is associated with typical levels of alpha-tocopherol, which is a form of vitamin E, and no increased risk for vitamin E deficiency.

How Is Your Genetic Risk Calculated?

This result is based on the SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphism)that are associated with Vitamin E Requirement.

Your Genotype
What it means?
Genes: LOC283143_BUD13_intergenic
Your Genotype: CC
What it means? Lower alpha-tocopherol levels


This report does not diagnose any health conditions or provide medical advice. This should not be used as a diagnostic tool.
This result is limited to existing scientific research.
Please consult with a healthcare professional before making any major lifestyle changes or if you have any other concerns about your results.

What is Vitamin E Requirement?

Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, helping to protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals. It is needed for a healthy immune system, blood vessels, skin, and many other organs in the body. Vitamin E reduces the risk of life-threatening blood clots, acts as an anti- inflammatory, and offers protection from the sun. Vitamin E imbalances are relatively common, and are usually caused by diet, fat malabsorption disorders, and genetic variations.

Genetic variations in the genes associated with lipid metabolism (APOB), CD36 gene involved in lower tissue vitamin E uptake.

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults is 15 mg, or 22.4 IU. Other factors that increase ones need for vitamin E include smoking, obesity, high intensity training and dry skin.

How It Affects Your Body

Vitamin E deficiency reduces your antioxidant activity against oxidative stresses. Thus, the frequency of pains and inflammations is higher. Prolonged deficiency can also reduce visual prowess and immune system functions. Damage from air pollution and UV exposure will also increase free radical damage to your skin due to reduced antioxidant activity.


Pancreas inflammation

Studies have shown reduced serum vitamin E levels in patients with chronic pancreatitis (inflammation in the pancres) due to reduced enzyme productions required for fat absorption.

Cholestasis (Low Bile Flow)

Low bile levels decrease the rate of fat absorption in the intestines. Thus, less vitamin E is absorbed.

Cystic fibrosis

Pancreatic function is affected, causing reduced enzyme productions required for fat absorption.

Primary biliary cirrhosis

If bile ducts are damaged, it would also reduce the bile available for fat absorption.

Digestive disorders

Digestive impairments such as Crohn's disease and short bowel syndrome lowers the rate of digestion of fats containing vitamin E.

Suggested Lifestyle Changes

Dietary Recommendations:

  1. Incorporate whole grains and nuts rich in vitamin E in your daily diet.
  2. Vitamin E can be found in vegetable oils, nuts (e.g. almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts), seeds (e.g. sunflower seeds), avocados, whole grains, wheat germ, and to a lesser extent in green vegetables (e.g. spinach and broccoli).

Result Explanation Recommendations:

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